You MUST have a way to communicate with us from the field – YOU CANNOT PURCHASE SERVICES IN TOWN. So, please remember to make arrangements PRIOR to departing for your Alaskan Adventure! We suggest that you purchase an InReach or similar satellite communication device. For us, this was a no brainer, we carry the InReach […]
YES! Bring some waders with you. Depending on where you end up hunting, you could fly into the field in a float plane and land on water. You will also likely encounter stream and/or river crossings during your hunt. Often you’ll need to do a creek crossing every day from where you’re camped to where […]
Unguided Caribou Hunting is some of the most sought after hunts in Alaska. There are important considerations on these hunts due to the weather and terrain that hunters should expect to encounter. These hunts are conducted mostly by spot-and-stalk tactics. The hunts are fly-in “Spike Camp/Base Camp” style, where you should will return back to […]
In Alaska, mosquito levels can vary quite a bit from day to day and location to location. If you are visiting Alaska between May and August make sure you’re prepared to deal with bugs while camping. The only way to avoid all mosquitoes on your trip to Alaska is to visit in the winter! In […]
Camps go in, and out of the field with the hunters. Weight limits for Camp Rental hunters is 60 pounds of gear per person. This includes all of your personal gear, weapon, 0 degree rated sleeping system, food, backpack, field dressing equipment and game bags. Weight limits for Transport Only hunters is 120 pounds of […]
Prior to your departure into the field, either the night before your fly out day or in the morning at our airport lot, our field manager will go over all transport and field processes with you. During the pre-hunt discussion you will need to give us your Inreach or other communication numbers and you will […]
by Alena Naiden Anchorage Daily News To preserve the Western Arctic Caribou Herd, subsistence hunters might drastically reduce their harvest starting in summer 2024. The Western Arctic Caribou Herd Working Group voted Wednesday to propose changing state and federal hunting regulations in response to the herd’s shrinking population. Subsistence and sport hunters, guides and conservationists […]
In fact, the price of your trip includes up to a $500 Rebate if you purchase Trip Insurance. We think you ALL need to consider purchasing Trip Insurance when booking a trip/hunt/international travel, etc. I know, I know … “it’s too expensive” OR “I don’t need it, nothing will happen”, these are typical responses we […]
I’m sure you’ve been watching all the caribou hunting videos on YouTube, and they give you a lot of information, however, many times they don’t relay the realities of the hunts. No matter where you go to hunt – HUNTING IS HUNTING. Weather and animals are two things we simply cannot control, and both are […]
Unfortunately, due to Temporary Wildlife Special Action WSA21-01 there has been a temporary Federal closure to caribou hunting out of Kotzebue, AK. During a telephonic work session on March 30, 2022 in opposition to public consensus as well as Alaska Fish and Game biologists, the Board voted to approve WSA21-01 to caribou hunting by non-Federally […]