When it comes to shipping your meat and/or antlers and cape back home you need to plan ahead. You should either make arrangements with an expeditor, or plan to use ours. Size, time and expense all play a major role getting big game meat and trophies from Alaska back home. The species harvested will greatly […]
Field Dressing Hunters should know how to field dress and care for meat before going afield. Some hunters waste a lot of valuable meat because they simply do not know the how to properly field dress game. There are several good methods of field dressing. You will be successful with any method as long as you […]
We have VERY limited space to store meat however, once you harvest an animal and have it field processed and back to your pick-up location, you should send us an inReach message. We may may be able to pick up your animal prior to your fly-out date. However, you should plan for meat to stay […]
Alaska resident hunters, ages 18 years or older – and all nonresident hunters – must possess and carry in the field a valid Alaska state hunting license, locking tag(s) and harvest permit. Locking Tags In addition to a hunting license, nonresident hunters must buy appropriate locking tags to hunt big game in Alaska — this […]
In Alaska, mosquito levels can vary quite a bit from day to day and location to location. If you are visiting Alaska between May and August make sure you’re prepared to deal with bugs while camping. The only way to avoid all mosquitoes on your trip to Alaska is to visit in the winter! In […]
In fact, the price of your trip includes up to a $500 Rebate if you purchase Trip Insurance. We think you ALL need to consider purchasing Trip Insurance when booking a trip/hunt/international travel, etc. I know, I know … “it’s too expensive” OR “I don’t need it, nothing will happen”, these are typical responses we […]