You can donate your caribou meat to locals in the village. A “whole half” minimum is required to show respect to local natives who receive the donation. This ensures a fair distribution of prime cuts and is just more respectful. Previously, there have been disrespectful hunters who have disposed of spoiled meat in dumpsters and […]
We have limited space to store meat in Kotzebue, however, once you harvest an animal and have it field processed and back to your pick-up location, you should send us an inReach message. We may may be able to pick up your animal prior to your fly-out date. However, you should plan for meat to […]
I’m sure you’ve been watching all the caribou hunting videos on YouTube, and they give you a lot of information, however, many times they don’t relay the realities of the hunts. No matter where you go to hunt – HUNTING IS HUNTING. Weather and animals are two things we simply cannot control, and both are […]