Donate Your Caribou Meat to the Village of Kotzebue

Donate Your Caribou Meat

You can donate your caribou meat to locals in town. Meat must be clean, edible and in good condition to be donated. If possible, make sure to let our hunt manager know ahead of time if you want to donate your meat. It is illegal to buy, sell or barter game meat. However, if you […]

Caribou Meat

Rough-Processing Your Meat

We have VERY limited space to store meat however, once you harvest an animal and have it field processed and back to your pick-up location, you should send us an inReach message. We may may be able to pick up your animal prior to your fly-out date. However, you should plan for meat to stay […]

Caribou migration

FAQ’s – DIY Caribou Hunting

I’m sure you’ve been watching all the caribou hunting videos on YouTube, and they give you a lot of information, however, many times they don’t relay the realities of the hunts. No matter where you go to hunt – HUNTING IS HUNTING. Weather and animals are two things we simply cannot control, and both are […]