Alaska resident hunters, ages 18 years or older – and all nonresident hunters – must possess and carry in the field a valid Alaska state hunting license, locking tag(s) and harvest permit.
Locking Tags
In addition to a hunting license, nonresident hunters must buy appropriate locking tags to hunt big game in Alaska — this tag is locked on the animal immediately after the kill and must remain there until the animal is processed or exported.
Bears, wolves and wolverines must also be sealed. This means taking the skull and skin (with claws and evidence of gender attached) to an officially designated sealing officer, who records data on the hunt and the animal and locks a seal on the skin (and skull for bears).
Harvest Permit
In Alaska, a harvest permit is required in addition to your locking tag for general hunts to hunt deer, moose, caribou, and bears.
- GMU 23 harvest permits for non-residents are only available by draw. Applications are due the fall prior to your hunt year. WE WILL LET YOU KNOW IF YOU NEED TO APPLY FOR THIS PERMIT.
- For all other units we hunt, harvest permits are available free online or from license vendors.
- Before hunting on a harvest permit, make sure the permit number(s) is written on your hunting license.
- The harvest permit must be carried in the field and validated by cutting out the day and month immediately upon taking game.
- A harvest report must be returned to Fish and Game after the hunt as the data helps managers assess harvest.
How to Purchase Your Alaska Non-Resident Hunting License and/or Fishing License and Locking Tags
Go to the Hunting section of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website and click the “Get License, Tags, & Selected Permits” button at the top of the page.
Now you are on the “Store” page. Choose “Shop as Guest.”
Now fill out your personal information and then hit the “Start Shopping” button at the bottom.
On the next page, click on “Fishing, Hunting, Trapping Licenses & Stamps.”
Add “Annual Hunting License” to your cart. When you do, there will be a popup that asks if you would like to shop for Big Game Locking Tags. Click YES.
On the next page, add the appropriate tag for what you’ll be hunting. We HIGHLY suggest you always have a wolf tag with you.
Then hit the “ADD TO CART” button at the bottom of the page.
If you are planning on doing some fishing while you’re in Alaska, go back to the “Fishing, Hunting, Trapping Licenses & Stamps” page. The link is at the top of the left sidebar.
The process is the same as adding your license and locking tags. *Keep in mind that the short term fishing licenses are much less expensive than annual licenses.
Once you’re finished, hit “Checkout.”
The actual metal locking tag for your species will be mailed to from the State of Alaska through the US Mail Service. You need to allow enough time for the tag to be delivered before you depart for your hunting trip.
How to Get Your Alaska Harvest Permit
To apply for a general season harvest permit, you will first need a hunting license valid for the time period you will be hunting. Moose, caribou, black bear and deer general season harvest tickets may also be obtained online or at license vendors.
Got to the Alaska Fish and Game Hunting Page and click the “Get Your Permit/Harvest Ticket” button.
Check “I have read and understand the information above” and click Continue, then on the next page click “Checkout” and then choose the “General Season Caribou” option and hit the “Ad Hunt” button.
Just fill out your information on the next page and then print out your harvest ticket.