Our gear package provides hunters with not only comfort, but the NECESSITIES of being out in what can be a very harsh and unforgiving environment. Above the Arctic Circle is no place to skimp on gear! We do our best to pay close attention to your needs, and strive to provide everything necessary for a safe and successful adventure.
Camp Gear Rental Package
*For Every TWO Hunters
- 1 Cabela’s four or six man Guide Model tent for every TWO hunters. This gives you plenty of room for cots, bags and personal gear.
- 1 Stove with Propane Bottles
- 2 Cots *But we highly suggest that you bring your own sleeping pad to cut down on weight.
- 2 Rolls Toilet Paper
- 1 Tarp
- Matches and Lighter/Fire Starters
- 1 Cook Set, including a Coffee Pot
- Garbage and Ziploc bags
- 1 Lantern
- Paper Towels
- Dish Soap
- Camp Shovel
- Basic First Aid Kit
Fuel is not permitted in checked or carry on baggage in commercial flights, and charter operators have strict rules about the transport of this potentially dangerous material. We will have propane, Jetboil, and MSR fuel available for PURCHASE at the hangar.
Camp Locations
Our goal is ALWAYS to place you in a location where you will have a chance for a successful hunt. The camps are placed in caribou country that has had historical success. The weather, our schedule and caribou movement will determine your camp location.