Despite struggling with weather and tundra fires our clients had good success.
It should be noted that 17 groups chose to come out of the field early, which drastically affects our overall success rate. There were also a number of hunters who accidentally shot cows which are not reflected in our numbers. Before you show up, be sure you know how to identify a legal caribou, because cows have antlers.
Opportunity Rate: 70.43%
Success Rate: 59.57%
Trophy Bulls: 34
Representative Bulls: 72
Meet Bulls: 27
Wolves: 2
Almost every camp saw wolves and grizzlies. Only two wolves were killed despite many opportunities (they’re difficult). And we had one very aggressive bear that was shot in self defence.
We only got pictures of a fraction of the bulls taken during the 2023 season, but below is a gallery to give you an idea how it went.